888casino Officially Leaves New Jersey

The New Jersey online casino and online poker scene continues to be one of the best in the country, but it took a bit of a hit on Monday. 888casino and 888poker have officially left the state, taking away what was once the most popular option in New Jersey. 

These two mobile apps actually hung around much longer than expected as the initial closing date was set for June 3rd. 888 decided to keep the apps open for two more weeks in order to give the players a chance to continue to make some wagers. 

This move will have an impact on the overall gaming numbers in the state, but it’s not going to create a huge decrease in the overall revenue. Other online casino apps have moved past 888casino and 888poker, and that’s part of the reason that it is leaving the state for good. 

While the popular names have officially left, there is still a trace of the popular 888 platforms. 888Holdings turned into Evoke, and that company was able to form a partnership with Hard Rock Bet. 

Hard Rock Now Open

An announcement from 888casino urged customers to sign up for a new account at Hard Rock Bet, and they wanted them to do that by June 17th. Evoke was able to launch the Poker 8 platform in New Jersey, and it’s one that already has players getting in on the action. 

The Poker 8 platform is live in New Jersey and Nevada, and that’s important when it comes to the World Series of Poker. There is now shared liquidity between these two states and Michigan, and that has allowed for some massive WSOP pots. 

While Poker 8 is not a popular name in the U.S. online casino industry, it’s one that will get some huge backing by Hard Rock. The Hard Rock Bet app has become extremely popular in New Jersey and beyond, and it will more than fill the gap left behind by 888. 

World Series of Poker has also been a part of these negotiations as it wants the best platforms to feature it’s product. This was a strange time to leave the state for the popular 888 brands, but it simply had to happen at some point. 

New Jersey Has Options

New Jersey is the state that has had online casino apps the longest, and this state is credited with helping to grow the entire industry. Not only has it been around the longest, but there are more apps in this state than any others. 

The May 2024 revenue numbers from New Jersey came in at $192 million, and that was a huge jump from the May 2023 numbers. This trend does not only apply to New Jersey though, as many states have seen significant growth. 

New Jersey was not the leader in terms of total online casino revenue in 2023 as that title went to the state of Michigan. This state and Pennsylvania are both in the mix as well though, and it should be a great battle in 2024.


A sports enthusiast, Ryan helps cover sports betting news from around the country, highlighting some of the more interesting events going on in the USA.