Alaska online gambling is not mentioned in the state code. This includes poker, gaming, or sports betting. Most online betting games are also not regulated by the state, which makes the legality of gambling in Alaska a bit murky.
Alaska’s Best Online Betting Sites
Even though the legality of online gambling in Alaska is not cut and dry, there are still some online gambling options available to Alaskans.
Below are some of the most reliable and verified online sites for Alaska residents.

Gambling In Alaska: An Overview
Alaska is the northernmost state. It is not bordered by any other states, and it is located along the western coast of Canada, with the Pacific Ocean to the south. The northwestern tip borders Russia.
- Abbreviation: AK
- State Motto: North to the Future
- Capital City: Anchorage
- Population Estimate: 742K (48th)
- Website:
There is little gambling that has been legalized by the Alaska legislature. The state does not have a lottery or any type of pari-mutuel betting. Some contests are allowed, such as snowmachine racing and ice fishing, but there is no betting permitted on those events. Even cruise ships in Alaskan waters must cease any gambling activities until back out on the open sea.
Bingo is permitted in Alaska, as are some types of social gaming in individual homes.
The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) of 1988, passed by Congress, allowed any Native American tribes in all states to develop new compacts that permit gambling on reservations. Several Alaska tribes did so.
Since then, only a few establishments have opened. Although, they are limited in scope to games like pull-tabs and bingo. As they cannot offer table games like poker or slot machines, the Indian gaming centers remain small and scattered throughout the state.
There are several key definitions in Chapter 11 of the Alaska statutes. The gambling definition is standard, but the contest of chance is specific enough that it could be utilized in arguments to legalize table games in land-based casinos or online gambling in Alaska, as well as sports wagering and other games like daily fantasy sports (DFS).
Online Gambling Legislation In Alaska 2021
Gambling is rarely a topic up for discussion among lawmakers. There were a few instances in the past two decades that the legislature has voted on bills to allow one or more casinos or establish a statewide lottery. But one-half of the legislature always kills the proposals.
However, the issue has been put to voters on several occasions. In 2005 and 2006, voters rejected a ballot measure to legalize the lottery. In 2008, another gambling measure was put to voters. It aimed to establish the Alaska Gaming Commission and, which would allow more gambling throughout the state. But approximately 60% of the voters turned it down.
While the state seems unlikely to allow any significant ambling expansion in Alaska any time soon, the legislature may have to address daily fantasy sports and other types of sports betting. DFS is currently offered to Alaskans by large companies, and the US Supreme Court opens the doors for every state to legalize sports betting.
There is a chance for those games to be considered and possibly regulated within the state, but it will require a change of attitude by lawmakers and voters alike.
Despite much resistance from state politicians towards gambling, there may be in-roads in 2021 legislation. In May 2021, Governor Dunleavy held a legislative session to discuss expanding gambling and sports betting in the state. However, nothing concrete came of the meeting and there appear to be many barriers to expanding more forms of gambling in Alaska.
Alaska Gambling FAQ
Is online gambling legal in Alaska?
Yes. There are a number of sites that do offer these games online for the convenience of Alaskan players and bettors.
How old do you have to be to gamble in Alaska?
Gambling ages vary in Alaska. Players must be 18 or over to bet on parimutuel contests, or 19 to play bingo or pull tabs. All visitors must be aged 21 or over to be in Alaska.
Is online bingo legal in Alaska?
Yes. Many sites offer online bingo for Alaska residents.
Are there tribal casinos in Alaska?
There are only seven casinos in Alaska, and all are tribal casinos. Below are the only land-based casinos in the state:
- Barrow
- Juneau
- Klawock
- Kodiak
- Metlakatla
- Sand Point
- Sitka